my life in fashion :5.caught up in a nice short-term lessons


my life in fashion :5.caught up in a short-term lessons 

stupidly,most of my people,seeing the foreigner a.k.a western people as the holy mighty rich and handsome tourist who might became their best partner to have a better life,better children,especially a single and young foreigner like mr.G,the customer of my boss.for them,especially girls,seeing him was like seeing  one best chance maybe to fulfill their dreams,or atleast,to get our boss appreciate them better.i hate the way of their thinking and they way they sucked up to the,when my 
boss chose me over them,they burst to anger,meanwhile there was nothing they could do 
since the boss was in my side,all for the sake of his trust for the job to me.atfirst, it felt 
awkward for me to be his assistant,cause of our my mind i was thinking maybe he 
dislike me,but he wasn't that kind of person. he treated fairly based on the job.and so, i could 
get along with him just fine and we worked together for couple of months.the people who 
used to treat me badly,they slowly turned to do things the opposite way,they tried being nice to 
actually i could not trust them when i remembered what they've done to me back then.but 
in the end i just ignored them,since atleast i got a little peace in my mind out of their 
disturbing behaviors.yet another thing came up as my boss hired more new designers,his new 
secretary and my friend from the branch office moved here to work with me as the receptionist.
since mr.G is also quite handsome and friendly person,all the single girls in the office keep 
their eyes on him.

I didn't really care about all the unimportant things,i got stressed for adjusting to the job new level,coz before i just designed clothes for local market and now i had to learn new designs and techniques for europe market.its kinda hard but my boss kept on encouraging me not to give up, he trusted me that i would be able to do it.after sometimes,yes, i did it, and mr.G was super kind 
to taught me new things i dont know before,such as lending me his laptop so that i could learn 
making design in the computer,not only manually drawing it.and also taught me other things 
concerning all about the market that he'd done for the past 10years.we have discussed alot and i was glad be friended with him beside the job.

but too bad that didn't last long enough.many frictions,many problems occured,had made me took a huge decision in the end,although everything was great in the beginning.

Setelah dibangkrutkan GM akan berubah menjadi perusahaan baru

Langkah yang dilakukan AS dalam berjuang menyelamatkan lapangan kerja rakyatnya ternyata cukup jitu. Bayangkan GM yang telah disuntik milyaran dollar tersebut, tetap sakit dan tak bisa berkembang. AS lalu membuat langkah drastis dengan membangkrutkannya, lalu dana baru disuntikkan. AS, Canada dan beberapa negara Eropa siap menanamkan modal atau saham pada perusahaan baru tersebut. Berarti AS rela dua kali mengucurkan uang agar rakyatnya tidak pengangguran!!!

Bagaimana kalau Timor, IPTN dan perusahaan-perusahaan strategis lainnya dilakukan hal yang sama??? Maukah kita berjuang dan berkorban demi lapangan kerja untuk rakyat???? Program bagi-bagi uang yang populis seperti BLT, BOS akan semakin terasa manfaatnya bila Indonesia juga mau bagi-bagi lapangan kerja di berbagai sektor industri; caranya dengan menciptakan lapangan kerja sebanyak-banyaknya.

Komputer Terkecil Dan Termurah Di Dunia Diciptakan Orang Indonesia

Lagi-lagi Indonesia membuktikan bahwa kualitas sumber daya manusia-nya tidak kalah dengan bangsa luar. Kali ini, putera Indonesia Sehat Sutardja berhasil menciptakan komputer terkecil dan termurah di dunia.
Sutardja mengerahkan ribuan pakar di perusahaannya, Marvell Technology Group untuk menciptakan komputer tersebut. Bentuk komputer itu hanya sebesar adaptor laptop yang langsung dimasukkan ke dalam colokan listrik. Di dalam kotak mungil itu tersimpan chip Marvell berkekuatan 1.2 gigahertz yang menjalankan fungsi layaknya prosesor komputer umumnya dan menjalankan sistem operasi Linux.
“Di dalam komputer itu tidak terlalu rumit,” tutur Sutardja yang dilahirkan di Jakarta kepada New York Times. Menurut CEO Marvell itu, di dalam komputer colok itu hanya ada beberapa chip dan sangat hemat energi karena listrik yang digunakannya hanya sebesar yang digunakan untuk mengisi baterai telepon seluler.
Kini komputer terkecil di dunia ciptaan Sutardja diperkirakan menjadi revolusi di dunia teknologi informasi. Sutardja berharap para pengguna komputer di rumah-rumah seluruh penjuru dunia bakal tertarik membeli produknya karena merupakan kombinasi antara peranti lunak open-source dan beberapa chip berkekuatan hebat dengan harga yang sangat murah sekali.
Pada tahun 2007, majalah Forbes memasukkannya dalam daftar miliarder dunia dengan kekayaan bersih sebesar USD 1 Miliar. Ini menjadikannya miliarder dunia untuk pertama kalinya.
Sumber: Seputar Indonesia

Indonesia Punya 5 Gunung Api Bawah Laut

Sabtu, 30 Mei 2009 | 10:19 WIB

BANDUNG, — Gunung api di bawah laut hanya ada lima di Indonesia. Sementara ini aktivitas vulkaniknya tidak berbahaya.

Menurut Kepala Pusat Vulkanologi dan Mitigasi Bencana Geologi Surono, hanya ada lima gunung api bawah laut di Indonesia. Di perairan Sulawesi Utara ada Gunung Sub Marine yang meletus tahun 1922 dan Banuawalu (1919). Selain itu, di perairan Banda ada Niuwewerker (1927) dan Emperor of China. Gunung api di bawah laut lainnya adalah Hobal (1999) di perairan Nusa Tenggara Timur.

"Aktivitas mereka sejauh ini tidak berbahaya. Bila sedang aktif biasanya hanya menimbulkan buih air berasap," katanya di Bandung, Sabtu (30/5).

Menanggapi klaim penemuan gunung api berukuran besar di bawah laut dekat perairan Mentawai, Surono mengatakan, kemungkinan itu bisa saja terjadi. Namun, ia menegaskan, gunung itu belum menjadi bagian dari 129 gunung api Indonesia.


Ditemukan Gunung Api Raksasa Bawah Laut Sumatera

Kamis, 28 Mei 2009 | 18:08 WIB

JAKARTA, — Tim yang terdiri dari gabungan para pakar geologi Indonesia, AS, dan Perancis berhasil menemukan gunung api raksasa di bawah perairan barat Sumatera. Gunung api tersebut berdiameter 50 km dan tinggi 4.600 meter dan berada 330 km arah barat Kota Bengkulu.

Para ahli geologi ini berasal dari Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (BPPT), Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia ( LIPI), Departemen Energi dan Sumber Daya Mineral, CGGVeritas dan IPG (Institut de Physique du Globe) Paris.

"Gunung api ini sangat besar dan tinggi. Di daratan Indonesia, tak ada gunung setinggi ini kecuali Gunung Jayawijaya di Papua," kata Direktur Pusat Teknologi Inventarisasi Sumber Daya Alam BPPT Yusuf Surachman kepada wartawan di Jakarta, Kamis (28/5).

Gunung api bawah laut berada di Palung Sunda di barat daya Sumatera, 330 km dari Bengkulu, di kedalaman 5,9 km dengan puncak berada di kedalaman 1.280 meter dari permukaan laut. Meskipun gunung ini diketahui memiliki kaldera yang menandainya sebagai gunung api, para pakar mengaku belum mengetahui tingkat keaktifan gunung api bawah laut ini.

"Bagaimanapun gunung api bawah laut sangat berbahaya jika meletus," katanya. Survei yang menggunakan kapal seismik Geowave Champion canggih milik CGGVeritas itu adalah yang pertama di dunia karena menggunakan streamer terpanjang, 15 km, dari yang pernah dilakukan oleh kapal survei seismik.

Tujuan dari survei ini adalah untuk mengetahui struktur geologi dalam (penetrasi sampai 50 km) yang meliputi Palung Sunda, prisma akresi, tinggian busur luar (outer arc high), dan cekungan busur muka (fore arc basin) perairan Sumatera.

Sejak gempa dan tsunami akhir 2004 dan gempa-gempa besar susulan lainnya, terjadi banyak perubahan struktur di kawasan perairan Sumatera yang menarik minat banyak peneliti asing.

Tim ahli dari Indonesia, AS, dan Perancis kemudian bekerja sama memetakan struktur geologi dalam untuk memahami secara lebih baik sumber dan mekanisme gempa pemicu tsunami menggunakan citra seismik dalam (deep seismic image).

Bank Century Yang Bangkrut Disuntik Pemerintah 5 Trilyun Mulai Sehat, Mengapa Mobnas Tidak?

Ingat tidak dengan kasus Bank Century yang sudah bangkrut tersebut??? Ternyata bank tersebut dimodali pemerintah sekitar 4,9 trilyun untuk menyehatkannya..... weleh-weleh... mengapa proyek mobnas tidak dilakukan hal yang sama??? bukankah kalau mobnas jadi, maka akan ada penerimaan pajak, penyediaan lapangan kerja dan lain sebagainya, sama dengan industri bank. Bukankah Indonesia sudah mempunyai ribuan bank sementara mobnas belum ada sama sekali????

Hari ini General Motors Corp. Dinyatakan Bangkrut

Perusahaan mobil terbesar Amerika (sebelumnya juga terbesar di dunia), General Motors Corp (GM)., yang baru saja merayakan ulang tahun ke-100-nya September lalu, hari ini dinyatakan bangkrut. Menurut informasi, pengumuman tentang kebangkrutan GM ini dilakukan pukul 8.00 pagi Senen, 1 Juni waktu Washington. Di Jakarta, pada 19.00 WIB. Selanjutnya akan dibentuk perusahaan baru dengan operasional yang lebih efisien.

Jerman Setuju Menyelamatkan Opel Yang Sudah Bangkrut

Jerman dikhabarkan setuju dan bersedia menyelamatkan perusahaan Opel yang sudah bangkrut. Milyaran dollar bakal dikucurkan, sama seperti AS secara patriotik membayar utang-utang perusahaan mobilnya dari kebangkrutan, walau banyak dari usaha itu tampak sia-sia.

Satau hal yang perlu dipelajari di sini adalah, alasan mereka untuk menyelamatkan perusahaan tersebut. Negara-negara tersebut tidak menyebutkan keuntungan yang didapat sebelumnya dari industri otomotiv tapi mereka menggarisbawahi, bahwa kalau industri tersebut dibiarkan bangkrut atau dibangkrutkan, maka ini akan berdampak pada jutaan pekerjaan dan ini akan membuat gelombang pengangguran. Para pengangguran ini bakal membuat krisis politik.

Nah, apa yang terjadi di Indonesia, ketika perusahaan Timor dilikuidasi??? Indonesia sebenarnya, bisa tetap mempertahankan Timor setelah masalah-maslaah hukum dipisahkan dan diminta pertanggungjawabannya. Karena dalam jangka panjang, Indonesia akan diuntungkan dengan penyediaan lapangan kerja.

Maka dukung terus proyek Mobnas... Dukung terus kebijakan penyediaan lapangan kerja. Apalagi bila dalam program mobnas Indonesia bisa menghemat devisa negara.

another hand drawing design

i dont know when was the last time i've done sort of design as this,since for the last 7years i do all in the computer.although sometimes yes i still use my manual hand drawing but nothing in detail as this picture.actually its more alive and great when i draw but somehow maybe for now is not necessary to make something like this again.

Shaped card with flower power Tilda - Three Clovers Designs challenge

Boy am I ever showing my age with that title, huh?? LOL! Isn't she cute? First, before I forget, I've got to give a big shout out to my design team sista Suzy! Suzy has been making these adorable cards with her Nesties. Now I read somewhere a while back that making cards with your nesties was easy. But I had never tried it. But with lots of fabulous inspiration from Suzy, I came home tonight after work and did one. OMG, I love it! Sooooo quick and easy, and I'm a fiend for shaped cards anyway! I will be making lots more of these. I'll tell you that right now! LOL! But for now, this is what I came up with for Three Clovers Thursday Challenge by Kerry over at Three Clover Designs. Her challenge for you this week is to make a shaped card. Any kind of shape as long as it's not a square or rectangle. LOVE that kind of challenge.
I used this adorable Tilda with garland in her hair. I just LOVE her! I know...I know...I love them all...but I really do LOVE her! LOL! I also used the cute butterfly background stamp that is from the Chasing Butterflies collection. So cute! The stamps are colored with my Copic markers (pic below). All of this is available at Magnolia-licious!

Also did a quick faux chipboard word of "hi" with my Sesame Street Font cartridge with my Cricut Expression. Did a very simple decoration for the inside of the card too. This little cutie will be up for sale in my etsy shop if you're interested.

That's it for this one. Very quick and easy! Whatcha think?? Be sure and visit Three Clovers Designs to check out the challenge and the wonderful examples from the awesome Inspiration Team. Thanks lots for stopping by to see me tonight, and I sure hope to see you again soon! Have a fabulous weekend!!!! Big hugs!

the air brushed banner products of the flying agaric

i put this banner to show some of the products from the company i currently work .the art made by bali artist with airbrush.i admire and respect them for making such a nice and cool banner,since i might not be able to make as good as this(i still have a lot to learn :)). dont mistake me for putting this as if i have the product but if u like to order u just go ahead visit the web: or send the email to

Maskot Tentara Amerika Tewas Di Irak

Dalam Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia, maskot bermakna: orang, binatang atau benda yang diperlakukan oleh suatu kelompok sebagai lambang pembawa keberuntungan dan keselamatan.
Maskot biasa digunakan sebagai lambang dalam kejuaraan atau event-event tertentu, seperti olimpiade, piala dunia sepak bola, dll.

Perang Irak yang dicetuskan Presiden George Bush pada Maret 2003 juga dibuatkan maskot. Maskot berupa manusia berkepala anjing ini sengaja dikirim Bush, tetapi tujuannya untuk mengalihkan perhatian masyarakat dari kekejaman perang. Maskot ini juga dijadikan perlambang kekebasan di Irak.

Tetapi apa mau dikata. Awal Mei lalu, sang maskot yang diperankan seorang serdadu Amerika dikabarkan tewas saat mobil yang dikendarai terkena ranjau darat.

Jika Anda perhatikan rekaman video sang maskot, tampak situasi perang yang dahsyat menjadi bahan lelucon. Contoh, saat seorang serdadu Amerika menodongkan senajata ke arah perempuan Irak, maka sang maskot bersikap seolah kejadian itu hanya hiburan saja.

Bahkan sang maskot asyik berguling-guling serta jumpalitan dan bergaya breakdance di depan sebuah mobil yang terbakar. Memang kurang ajar maskot ini.

Padahal perang yang kejam ini telah membunuh tentara Amerika sebanyak 4283 orang (hingga tanggal 27 Mei 2009). Tetapi seolah menjadi hiburan belaka.

Siapa sesungguhnya tentara yang dijadikan sang maskot? Sejauh ini tidak ada beritanya. Hanya saja, dalam Mei 2009 ini sudah tercatat 17 tentara Amerika tewas di Irak. Mungkin salah seorang diantara mereka adalah maskot liberty yang malang ini.
BaNi MusTajaB


Graduation word book

This was made for a friend and cohort that I work with. It's for her daughter that is graduating from High School this year. I've been working on this for a while, so I'm very relieved to finally have it finished. WHEW!!! I cut the word book with my Pazzle and word book cd which I purchased from Hallmark Scrapbook. All the DP is the FABULOUS Basic Grey Lime Rickey line. I fell in love with it and felt it would be perfect for this. I hope they agree. :) It's all put together with my Bind-it-all.

I used several Martha Stewart border punches throughout. The backgrounder stamp is from Cornish Heritage Farms. I also used my Nestabilities almost all the way through it.

B was cut with my Cricut Expression. the 4 and the swirl are BG Lime Rickey chipboard.

These stamps are by Kim Hughes, colored with copics.

The ladybug and bee friends is a stamp from Stampendous colored with my Copic markers.

skull and crossbones is from Life is a Beach cartridge, rose is from Indie Art.

Stamp is a downloadable freebie from Dustin Pike colored with copics. The rain clouds are from a Magnolia stamp. Sentiment for this cute bee was computer generated.

camera and flash is from Locker Talk cartridge, the label for the little album is from Fabulous Finds, and the word fun was cut with the Sesame Street Font cartridge.

All of these cuts were from the LIfe is a Beach cartridge. The umbrella was made into faux chipboard by cutting six of them and gluing together.

The clear envies and file folders are by Rob and Bob Studio, and the family stamps are some that have nothing with them to tell me who made them. Sorry about that!

That's it! That's what I've been working on for weeks in my free time from work. I hope they enjoy it! Whatcha think?? Thanks for stopping by to visit me today, and I sure hope you come back to see me again soon! HUGS!
OH! Today is the day for a new challenge by Kerry over at Three Clovers Designs. I wasn't able to participate this week, even though I really wanted to. But please be sure and pop over there to find out what the new challenge is for this week! It's a fun one. I promise you'll love it!

handmade ethnic bags

these bags are my friends productions.well handmade and good quality bags.for order you can contact, or ask me for further info of the products through my email. there are still many designs soon to the image to enlarge.cheers 

my favorite fashion brand:4.custo barcelona


he Dalmau brothers, Custo and David, created Custo Barcelona in the early 80’s after a long trip during which they travelled all around the world. Their journey allowed them to discover not only new landscapes but the most varied of artistic, cultural and philosophical expressions.

Amongst the things they found to be most worthy of interest were the typically Californian style they saw on the surfers who lived in the southern part of the state and the psychedelic look they observed in the northern part. The brothers were impressed by the colorful and innovative fashion trends they came across, and in particular the style of the tops and T-shirts which didn’t exist in Spain in those days.

Using the above as a starting point, the brand was launched under the name “Custo Line”. The Dalmau brothers got to work and learned everything there was to know about printing techniques and finishings, paying special attention to graphic design, a field they felt particularly comfortable with. Through time, their research on the use of color and prints has given risen rise to designs that are innovative, bold and sophisticated.

Later on, all kinds of new garments were introduced to complement Custo Barcelona’s trademark printed tops, like skirts, trousers and coats, thus giving rise to complete collections.Nowadays it could be said that Custo Barcelona is a style in itself; one that, to a certain extent, embodies a specific lifestyle.

comment:i like their full printed tshirts.i knew this label from my dear friend also boss of mine. cool designs!and their colorful line of clothes are just to fornarina to me

Penjualan Nissan di Indonesia Kalahkan Thailand dan Malaysia

Penjualan mobil Nissan di Indonesia kini sudah melampaui Nissan di Thailand dan Malaysia. Jika merujuk ke data penjualan tahun 2008, PT Nissan Motor Indonesia membukukan penjualan sebesar 31.880 unit, angka ini meningkat 66% dari tahun 2007 yang sebesar 21.025 unit.

SBY: Buat Mobnas Jangan Grasak-grusuk

Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) berkomitmen untuk terus mendukung pengembangan aplikasi teknologi khususnya di bidang otomotif.

Hanya saja, semua harus disiapkan dengan detail dan sebaik-baiknya hingga hasil akhirnya tidaklah mengecewakan.