Men's Fashion 2011

At least every six months – for a new

men’s fashion

, many of them go to bed. However, it is difficult, do not worry, Mark, 2011 eulwihan latest trends in fashion, we are analyzing, you can not do it alone. The model of flower development is a hot trend -

fashion designer

and a big flower people paisley shirts, shorts and some beautiful beaches to try to change this option when this, it has been all over the runway. Of course, it was moved to her

makdoeji 2011 model

. Another important issue for men in jackets. Variety of soft colors like true color purple brown, green, and blue blocks, in particular was common. This is a formal event, a lot more for society than the number of wear your blazer for you every time. Okay


, really good people and an attractive, what adjustments in 2011 that Abu-line is a big trend. How Blazers in 2011 as well as the speed of the jacket and the leather jacket can be seen all around. All styles sport a good job bwae bomber was popular, especially in the larger effect. Unexpected events, like the leather bomber jacket, both practical and fashion, and the cold tongue is a particularly good opportunity for many people, he came sports. This shirt is easy to find out, and the ultra-hip to wear. Often a

big trend for 2011

is the top courses in a strange fashion I do not have anything to explain why harvesting is. Her voice for women, but we can not trust. We can lose a little bit about the program is not tee’re some are smaller than normal. B, he can show that they are quite able to believe that Abu when. A piece of a very popular color is black and white.

Men’s accessories

and in 2011 another proposal, a list of fashion trends and other clean clothes are amazing. So you see, but right now between a

small girl

, it could be a good person can hold. Sheer shirts became a popular summer vacation if you could meet, he’ll be fine – at the beach for tanning and other things for the layering is more options and performance expectations.

Mens Fashion 2011

At least every six months, no - the new

fashion for men

, many of them go to bed. However, it is difficult, do not worry,
Mark 2011
eulwihan latest fashion trends, analysis, and you can not do alone.


fashion and a great person Paisley Flower


, shorts and some beautiful beaches around the track to be changed when this option - a development model is a flower hot trend. Of course, he moved in 2011

makdoeji model

. Jacket, another important issue for people. True Color Purple, green, brown and soft, a variety of colors such as blue blocks were very common. This is a formal event, many community each time you wear clothes is more than the number. Okay Blazers, you adjust the Abu 2011, the trend line is a very good person and a great attraction. How 2011 Blazers and jackets and leather jackets all the speed you see around. Good job all sports bomber style was popular with larger implications, especially bwae. unexpected events, such as leather bomber jacket, both practical and fashionable, and cold tongue is a very good chance that many people, sports here. To find this shirt, and ultra-light class. Why is a big trend in 2011 eulwihan often to describe a collection of something in a weird way I have is the best course.

women's voices

, but we can not believe it. Some of our programs a little smaller than normal, tee're will not be lost. B is quite incredible, when you can prove Abu. A piece of a very popular color is black. Another man and a proposal for 2011, a list of clean clothes and other accessories, fashion trends, which is great. So, can be viewed at the time of a young girl can do is keep a good man. Stratification for tanning and other things on the beach for more options and performance is expected - so popular summer shirt, was that they would be met.




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semoga bermanfaat,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Magnolia-licious blog hop winner of Ribbon Hair Tilda

Hi friends! Hope you're enjoying your weekend!! It's time to announce the winner of #221 Ribbon Hair Tilda from the You are So Special collection which is available at  Magnolia-licious.  If you want to see her all colored up, just click HERE. Thanks so much to everyone that hopped with us. I know it takes a lot of time and I truly appreciate your visit and the time you took to leave a comment! I wish you could ALL be winners! So without further is the winner of the adorable Ribbon Hair Tilda...

And #40 is....

Congrats Vicki!! Please send me your address so I can get your stamp right out to you! Thanks again for playing, and have a wonderful weekend!! Hugs!

asx Mitsubishi - block engine

The 2.0-liter powerhouse uses a lightweight aluminium block for optimum performance as it puts out 150PS to take control of city streets and open highways alike.

MIVEC (Mitsubishi Innovative Valve timing Electronic Control) is an exclusive technology that adjusts intake timing for optimal performance across the rev range.
With CVT (Continuously Variable Transmission), ASX offers a new level of driving enjoyment: an automatic transmission that's quiet, efficient, and eliminates the harshness and power lag of traditional gear changes. Furthermore, INVECS-III can monitor road and driving conditions to automatically determine timing, or observe driver behavior to create an intelligent profile that anticipates your every move.

Fashion in 2011

Each company has a vision of the tendons in the modern world. It represents a great platform and health of their organization is affected.

Many events are organized to gain public attention. They are medium sized and obtained a clear that will reflect the desired publicity. If you are a business with a trademark long-term public relations firm to market is critical to their performance.

There are many companies, event management is available for your business. We were designed by some of these fashion companies around many shows taking place.

full rights campaigns are conducted under the auspices of the visibility scale. Campaign series, the target will be made. These campaigns include promoting the company has a research focuses on the general level.

The organizer is a good job in the fashion industry. This industry is very colorful and the presence of several characteristics of the eye. fashion show management to handle the extremely sensitive issue only, nuneulipnida extreme precision.

Fashion management experience, responsibilities and activities of the high demand for their votes counted than people who are represented by high-Glorious. So it is important not to starve their expectations. Also, fashion, media monitoring and lead to the destruction of all phone deficiencies.

There are a number of procedures associated with the show. The theme for the position the stage atmosphere, fashion photography, spectator experience, event management companies and locations can be seen only by a few technical details available.

Fashion for various reasons, many features of the rest of the image. High in outdoor locations, and shooting. The request can be fulfilled by other devices in some outdoor shooting.

Case management can be explored in a variety of online event management company. Event management companies involved in production of major events is a unit of experienced people

Majukan Mobnas, Indonesia Perlu Revolusi Kepada Dominasi Mobil Jepang dan Korea

Ketua Umum Gabungan Industri Kendaraan Bermotor Indonesia (Gaikindo), Sudirman MR menyatakan, produsen otomotif membutuhkan dana setidaknya sekitar USS 50 juta untuk memproduksi mobil nasional yang harganya murah, seperti yang diwacanakan pemerintah.

"Dana itu hanya untuk membeli robot perakit dan mesin pengelas, dan pengecatan, belum sampai pada tahap produksi massal," ujarnya di Jakarta, akhir pekan lalu.

Dia mengungkap, akibat besarnya investasi, membuat produsen memilih sikap menunggu kebijakan pemerintah. Alasannya, kalangan produsen khawatir investasi akan menguap jika produsen terjun langsung tanpa ada kejelasan peraturan dari pemerintan. "Kalau peraturan feasible baru kita bicara produksi massal. Apa yang dapat diberi oleh pemerintah kami belum tahu," jelasnya.

Sudirman mengaku, definisi mobil murah dan ramah lingkungan ("low cost and green car") yang tengah digodok pemerintah belum jelas. Dia meminta, pemerintah mengajak Gaikindo berdiskusi dalam merusmuskan peraturan mobil murah.

Dalam kesempatan itu, Sudirman juga mengungkap. Gaikindo memangkas target ekspor mobil dalam bentuk utuh (completely built up/CBU) dari 100 ribu unit menjadi sekitar 65 ribu unit tahun ini, menyusul rendahnya realisasi ekspor sampai Agustus. "Saya rasa agak berat untuk capai 100 ribu. Tadi teman-teman sudah bicara ekspor di angka 65 ribuan unit," imbuh dia.

Berdasarkan data Gaikindo, ekspor mobil CBU sampai Agustus n.-iik 60.1% menjadi 49.427 unit, dibanding periode sama tahun lalu 30.858 unit.

Dia menerangkan, perekonomian negara tujuan ekspor belum sepenuhnya pulih dari tekanankrisis finansial global 2009. Ini membuat pabrikan mobil lokal sulit menggenjot ekspor.

Walau begitu, tutur Sudirman, kinerja ekspor mulai bangkit memasuki paruh kedua tahun ini. Buktinya, pada Agustus lalu ekspor mobil meroket 122,6 persen menjadi 7.279 unit dibandingkan Agustus 2009 yang hanya 3.269 unit.

Adapun mobil yang diekspor terurai atau completely knocked down (CKD)sepanjang Januari-Agustus 2010 mencapai 38.238 unit dan ekspor komponen otomotif mencapai 237.756 unit

Senada dengan Sudirman, Chief External Affairs PT Toyota Motor Manufacturing Indonesia (TMMIN), produsen Toyota di Indonesia, Irwan Priyantoko menyatakan, ekspor mobil mulai meningkat memasuki semester II. Ini terlihat dari lonjakan order dari beberapa wilayah seperti Timur Tengah dan Asean.

"Apalagi pada bulan lalu kami mendapat tambahan order Fortuner sebanyak 1.000 unit ke beberapa negara Timur Tengah, sehingga ekspor otomatis terdongkrak," kata Irwan.

Irwan memprediksi tren peningkatan ekspor akan terus berlanjut hingga akhir tahun. Manajemen TMMIN menargetkan total ekspor pada 2010 dapat mencapai 41.400 unit dari total produksi TMMIN 108 ribu unit.

Beberapa mobil rakitan lokal yang diekspor dalam bentuk utuh antara lain Suzuki APV, Toyota Kijang Innova, dan Daihatsu Gran Max, Toyota Avanza, Toyota Fortuner, Toyota Rush; Suzuki APV, Suzuki Swift; dan Honda Freed. Ekspor mobil mengarah ke beberapa negara, seperti Malaysia, Thailand, Jepang, Mesir, Yaman, Uni Emirat Arab, Kuwait, Mesir, Oman, Arab Saudi, dan Afrika Selatan.


Di sisi lain, Sudirman yang juga menjabat wakilpresiden direktur PT Astra Daihatsu Motor (ADM), produsen mobil Daihatsu dan Toyota menerangkan, ADM menargetkan produksi tahun ini dapat menembus 280 ribu unit, naik 21,4% dibanding 2009 sekitar 220 ribu unit. "Produksi naik selaras dengan bergairahnya pasar mobil domestik," ujarnya.

Sudirman menuturkan, produksi sempat menyentuh angka 19.810 unit, teredah sepanjang tahun ini. ADM memproduksi 6.584 unit Daihatsu untuk domestik dan 590 unit untuk ekspor. Selain itu, produksi merek Toyota di pabrik ADM mencapai 9.740 unit dan Toyota untuk ekspor 2.266 unit.

Menurut Dia, rendahnya produksi pada bulan lalu tak lepas dari pendeknya hari kerja akibat libur Lebaran. Kondisi ini membuat produksi tidak dapat digenjot, sehingga pengiriman mobil ke dealer berkurang. "Konsumen juga sedang konsentrasi untuk Lebaran, sehingga pasar mobil lesu. Tapi, produksi pada Oktober akan balik ke angka 20 ribu unit," jelas dia.

Hingga September 2010, produksi ADM mencapai 211.814 unit. Alokasi merek Daihatsu untuk pasar domestik mencapai 75.507 unit dan ekspor 4.995 unit. Sedangkan produksi Toyota mencapai 109.204 unit untuk pasar domestikdan 22.108 unit untuk ekspor.

ADM memproduksi Toyota Avanza, Toyota Rush, Daihatsu Xenia, Daihatsu Terios, dan Daihatsu Gran Max. Pabrik ADM di Sunter, Jakarta Utara, memiliki kapasitas terpasang 211 ribu unit, terbesar di Tanah Air.

Sudirman menyatakan, ADM akan meningkatkan kapasitas pabrik menjadi 286 ribu unit mulai semester 11-2010. Saat ini proses ekspansi sudah mencapai 70%. "Ekspansi kemungkinan akan rampung pada Februari tahun depan, lebih cepat dibanding proyeksi semula, yaitu Maret," tegas dia.

Perang Jepang terhadap Indonesia: Jepang Cengkram Industri Mobil Indonesia

Sudah menjadi rahasia umum kalau pasar mobil di Indonesia di dominasi oleh produsen mobil asal negeri matahari terbit. Jepang bahkan menguasai 95 persen dari seluruh populasi mobil yang ada di tanah air.

Hal itu diungkapkan oleh Direktur Pemasaran dan Layanan Purna Jual PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM), Jonfis Fandy di Pasific Place, Jakarta, Rabu (23/2/2011).

"95 persen penjualan mobil di indonesia dari Jepang," ungkapnya.

Jonfis lalu menjelaskan kalau di Indonesia sekarang ada sekitar 300-an model mobil yang beredar. Dari jumlah tersebut, Jepang jelas mendominasi dan mencengkram pasar.

Lebih lanjut Jonfis juga menjabarkan kalau dari 300-an model mobil yang beredar di Indonesia itu, hanya 11 model yang sudah mampu berdiri tegak dengan angka penjualan di atas 1.000 unit perbulan.

"Hanya 11 model dari 300-an model yang beredar yang bisa menjual diatas 1.000 unit. Bisa dibilang hanya mereka yang aman kalau dilihat dari skala ekonominya. Dari 11 model, Honda menyumbang 3 model, Jazz, Freed dan CR-V," jelasnya.

Banyak model yang beredar di Indonesia menurut Jonfis adalah buah dari mudahnya birokrasi untuk mendatangkan mobil ke Indonesia khususnya mobil impor.

"Sekarang tidak ada kewajiban untuk produksi mobil di sini, jadi lebih mudah impor. 1-2 mobil saja bisa diimpor," tukasnya.

Sebagai informasi, Indonesia di tahun 2010 lalu berhasil mencatatkan penjualan mobil total sebesar 764.710 unit. Angka ini jauh di atas target Gaikindo yang berada di kisaran 730.000 unit dan juga merupakan rekor baru bagi Indonesia.

Dan di tahun 2011 ini, bila tidak ada aral melintang, kemungkinan angka 800 ribu unit sangat mungkin akan tercapai.

jumper design

newest designs for my freelance job.

using Copic markers for darker skin tones

Hi everyone!  For my Copic coloring class this month, I taught working with darker skin tones. So I thought I would post it here in case anyone was looking for information. I started with the colors I got from Suzanne Dean and her tutorial for African American skin tones which I used on the top left image. And then I just started picking up my markers and playing. Here are the skin colors for each image:  (click on the picture for an up close look)

Top left: 
E25, 13, 11, and 21 with R32 on her cheeks
her hair is E15,. 39, and 59

Top center: 
E13, 21 with R02 on her cheeks
her hair is the same as top left

Top right:
E15, 13, 11 with R02 on her cheeks
her hair is E97, 99, 17, and 29

Bottom left:
E11, 21 with R02 on her cheeks
Hair is E15, 39, and 59

Bottom right:
R02, E02, 01 with R20 on her cheeks
Hair is E19, 15, and 13

All her clothing is the same. For her leotard - R32 and 35. For her TuTu  G20, 21, and 24
for her crown, Y35 and 38 trim is done with a gold Spica glitter pen

For her tights, I used T1 with a bit of B41
R02 for her tongue and E31 for the inside of her mouth.

I found a tutorial a couple years ago about curly hair, and I truly wish I could find it again so I could give her credit for this technique. But for curly hair, I simply dot on the color in randomness. I start with the lightest and move through to the medium shade, then adding the low lights with my darkest color. I will then take the lightest and fill in any areas that are missing color. Do not blend! I think it gives such wonderful texture to curly hair and looks awesome no matter what color hair you're doing. Give it a shot, but make sure you have a light, mid, and darker color. Just use the tip of your marker to make the dots, so they're not huge. I think you'll love the result!

This adorble image is by Mo Manning at Digital Pencil Too.

I hope you find this useful! Thanks for stopping by to see me and hope to see you back again soon! Hugs!!

BMW Vision Connected Drive Concept

The BMW Vision Connected Drive is a two-seat roadster with an advanced in car technology focused on comfort, infotainment and safety expressed through a three-layer lighting system.
Making its debut at the 2011 Geneva Motor Show, the BMW Vision Connected Drive Concept is a showcase of the current and future in car technology.
The main design element is the layering concept, which aims at demonstrating the bond between the driver, passenger, vehicle and the surrounding environment.
BMW Vision Connected Drive Concept This interaction is visualized through a complex light installation which shows the path of data exchange with the driver and passenger as the start and end point of each interaction
Interior Design
The interior is divided into three layers  comfort, infotainment and safety  each with a corresponding light installation.
Each layer is defined by a color, rhythm, motion and texture and, through the transparent surfaces the path taken by the information can be seen via fibre optic lighting.
The first layer focuses on safety, with a red light wrapping around the driver and coming together in a cone on the hood. This represents the flow of safety specific information and the driver’s focus on the road ahead.
Exterior Design
The exterior of the BMW Vision Connected Drive is characterized by the long wheelbase, set back seating position and long hood.
The taut surfaces and distinctive flowing lines create an interplay of light and shadow making the car appear as if it is accelerating even at a standstill.
The sliding doors, inspired by those on the BMW Z1, disappear into the body, allowing to drive the cars with the doors open, which emphasizes the link between the vehicle and its environment.
The headlights and rear lights integrate sensors that monitor the traffic and external environment.

Papertake Weekly with Peggy Loves Vintage

Hi friends!! Are you having a good start to your week? With it being Tuesday, that means it's time for a new challenge from Papertake Weekly, and this week is sketch week! I don't know if you've ever used any of Dawny's sketches, but they are always soooo fabulous and easy to follow! We are being sponsored by Simon Says Stamp this week too, so you have a chance at a fabulous prize!!

  For my card this week, I combined an image from Peggy Loves Vintage (image is from Cutie Couples 1 cutouts) with Dawny's sketch which made this card so quick and easy!! Also, don't forget to pop over to visit Peggy on her blog. She's a truly generous soul and loves to post free images for your pleasure. So be sure to become a follower so you don't miss any!! And please leave her some love for the free images, too!

 I just printed the cute image out on Bazzill cardstock, combined it with some Nitwit Collections papers (Luv Bugs), added a bow along with a  heart made with Nesties, and called it done. Please be sure and visit Papertake Weekly to see what the rest of the fabulously talented design team has come up with, and then we'd love it if you'd grab your paper and glue and play along with our challenge! You might win an awesome prize from Simon Says Stamp! Thanks for stopping by to see me today and hope to see you back again soon! Hugs! 

2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars

Italian brands The Lavazza GT-R unveiled, Simbol Design has some pictures and specifications for the new super sports car. Simbol Design has created this impressive new V12 supercar producing 620 hp while weighing a mere 2380 lbs. This gives the car an exceptional power to weight ratio of 3.8 lb.

2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars
Simbol Design's Lavazza GTX-R body made of carbon-Kevlar built atop a tubular steel frame. And since German powerplants have emerged as the new crate engine of choice for niche manufacturers from Spyker and Wiesmann to Gumpert and Pagani, the Lavazza packs a BMW-sourced 5.4-liter V12, picking up Lamborghini's tractor-origins mantle with an electro-pneumatic transmission reportedly sourced from a bus. Sources differ on the engine's output – alternately claiming 489 horsepower or 620 – but either way, 0-60 mph times quoted around the four-and-a-half second sound conservative.

The 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars will be offered in both coupe and roadster versions and will be built in carbon kevlar. This will help the car get its weight down to about 2381 lbs. On the exterior, the 2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R will get fixed front diverters and rear venturi intakes with adjustable side diverters, an adjustable rear wing, and a roof scoop.

The front of the car may look a little like a Pagani Zonda (or a Zonda on drugs), but the price tag shouldn’t as this car is definitely not fitting into the ranks of the Italian supercars of today. Both coupe and roadster bodystyles are apparently in the works, though there's no word on availability or pricing just yet, but are exclusive to models such as this, you can not expect that the cheap.

2011 Simbol Design Sports Cars Lavazza GTX-R The New Super Sports Cars

Honda’s Hydrogen-Powered Sports Car

Every concept car has to look like it’s straight out of The Fifth Element. If it doesn’t, it might as well be an inflatable Porsche. Not solely making walkers for old people, Honda has brought forth its new concept, the FC Sport. It’s a three-seat hydrogen fuel cell sports car that comes stocked with a high-power fuel cell stack placed between the rear seat, and a backup battery pack placed in the middle of the car.

Don’t expect to be driving it any time soon, or it all for that matter. It’s just a concept, though. So you know it will more than likely never be available commercially. Seriously, whens the last time you got to sit in the driver seat of a high-performance, low-weight hydrogen sports car?

2008 Acura NSX Delayed once Again!

The Advanced Sports Car Concept that Honda unveiled earlier this year was supposed to be a preview of the next 2008 Acura NSX. The car was set to be unveiled at the Tokyo Auto Show later this year. But now comes word that Honda may be going back to the drawing board. Apparently the car did not get the reaction that Honda was hoping for.

According to Leftlane News and Winding Road, the car will still keep the major configurations of the concept (V-10 engine and all-wheel-drive). The car is also still set to be unveiled at the Tokyo Auto Show this fall and begin production early next year.

I agree, the car didn't really do it for me like the original NSX. Glad to hear that other people felt the same way.

Latest Italian Sports Car

AS the tile suggested, Italian design shop Spadaconcept revealed a new sports concept car. It looks mighty sleek and gorgeous. It’s just a prototype though but it is looking good. The Codatronica is a modern taken on last century’s sports car designs. If you look at it closely, you’ll see a little resemblance to the Chevrolet Corvett.

Honda NAS

Honda NAS Concept bike powered by 1000cc V-Twin engine. NAS, standing for New American Sports, was intended to push the boundarys of sports bike design for the American market. Some of the most ingenious engineering solutions in the motorcycle market were seen on the NAS.