What Do I Have to Say?

Remember what I said about pounding the dirt roads?

Yeah the hard work has definitely begun. We are doing a ton of visits, but only about 30% of them even work out.

But this week, we went to visit Zefarina at her house/store. We talked and she began to tell us about how she lost her baby a few years ago. Ester was trying to comfort her, but there is still so much brokenness there.

I wondered, "What do I have to say to a woman who knows so much pain from losing a child."

I have nothing to say, but I can bring here to a God who lost his Son for love. He knows the exact same pain. And he felt it for her.

That is what we shared, and she invited Christ into her heart and life.

This week, we also visited the San Jeronimo's Municipaldad (City Hall) to get a map and to learn a little more about this district. We found out that although domestic violence exists here, their main problem is psychological abuse, and these are also the cases that remain largely unresolved. I'm not sure what we are going to do with that information yet, but be in prayer. God is the only one who makes all things new, and we are clinging to him.