Desperately Needing

I desperately needed prednisone.

 Yesterday, for the first time in 6 weeks, I was hungry!

I ate a meal! 

Again I'm rediscovering the joys of living: Smiling, breathing, walking, and eating.

I even started cleaning and picked up my art.

 I'm finishing my jewelry and framing out photographs. 

I feel renewed thanks to the diagnosis of Addison's disease or adrenal insufficiency.

It turns out all those steroids I was taking just took over the job my body was naturally supposed to be doing.

I'm happy for the relief.

X is a little more skeptical. 

He prayed for a cure last Christmas. 

What he got was steroids. 

He felt bamboozled. He felt scammed by God and Santa, and like any clever child, knew that the two required instructions more specific than, "make my mom better."

For a while, he was asking/praying for me to be fixed with out medications. 

Now, he's refusing to pray and has resigned that I'll die. 

It's heart breaking. It is the most heart breaking aspect of my disease: the knowledge that the cancer is causing my loved ones the greatest fear and pain they'll ever experience.

At least, I could see his basketball practice last night. 

Maybe I'll get to coach a little. 

He is such a talent, and I can only pray that I can see him turn into the gentleman I know he'll be. 

That's one of the most important things in my life. That's my largest goal right now.