Red Kimono

Wearing: DIY red Kimono,  H&M dress, River Island boots, Ebay choker.
Im waving good by to the good weather! These were taken the other day and since then the temperature seems to have really dropped! Im looking forward to wrapping up in lots of layers though! 
The field I took these in is one of my favourite places, the fields we have at the back of the house, they bring back so many child hood memories!

I will be moving to London next week, so I apologize in advance for the sporadic posting! I am so excited to decorate my room! It is going to be cerise pink, bright green and white. I will share it with you all once it is finished! I am so excited! Life seems to be moving so fast right now!

Happy Bank Holiday Monday! It is a certain someone's Birthday tomorrow! So its Shopping time!