Business Video Conferencing | Online Video Conferencing Has ...
Sitting in your office and connected to different clients in different parts of the country will allow you to do better in your business and helps you to stay in the competition. This technology allows you to have discussions with your clients face to face even without being at the same place. The best part of this is that is cuts down your travelling bills, meeting cost and other such expenses. ... Copyright © 2008 Internet video conferencing Blog information ...
Uprooted Palestinians: Honest people can't be indifferent to ...
The truth of the matter, which is being discovered by millions around the world, mainly thanks to the new social media and the internet, is simple: far from being the innocent victim of a hostile Arab world, Israel is a state whose very ... And in 2008-2009, Israel carried out a blitzkrieg against Gaza, using state-of-the-art American-funded and built weaponry and munitions, including white phosphorus bombs, against an essentially helpless and unprotected people. ...

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